Saturday 12 December 2009

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Arundel

The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Arundel is the perfect retreat after a heavy working week. The carpark was more than half full when we arrived, but the centre was tranquil, warm, and comforting. The grounds were well populated with winter migrants and some very tame pheasants, and we were lucky enough to watch a Kingfisher darting back and forth by the lake. The light was a little strange today, there were sudden and brief bright intervals where I could achieve a Tv of 1/1000 at f5.6 and ISO400, and just as quickly the skies would darken and I'd be getting 1/30 sec, not exactly suitable for moving birds!

You'll spot some Nenes in the shots below - Nenes are the rarest geese in the world, but we always see them at Arundel, and they love to be hand fed with the special bird seed available at the centre.

You can visit our main site here.


  1. Amazing Photographs...absolutly proffesional! awaiting more :)

  2. I have just spent hours going through (once again) your amazing photographs, quite spell binding and beautifully presented.
