As a professional, it's a given that we take these shots, but objects such as rings can be a daunting prospect for any amateur photographer who has agreed to help out. It doesn't have to be an ordeal though. Keep things simple, look for a suitable background and some good diffuse natural light. Windows and doorways are great for this, and you don't even need a macro lens for the smaller items. To make the point, all the shots below took seconds to set up and the rings were taken with a mid-range zoom lens, onto which a Hoya +4 diopter was attached, rather like a lens filter. This will give you enough magnification to get really close. Backgrounds include bathroom tiles, neck-ties, and anything which will work well against the object in question. The tiara was simply placed on a kitchen worktop. A glass coffee table, and then a handy garden trellis took care of the shoes.

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